BOMBSHELL REPORT: Nancy P And Feinstein’s Husband Own Majority Of Ballot Counting Systems- This Explains EVERYTHING… Solid Proof Election Is RIGGED


Dominion Voting Systems voting machine glitches have flipped at least one Michigan city from a Biden win to a Trump win after 6,000 were found that were “switched” from Donald Trump to Joe Biden, and now we see that nearly fifty other counties were using the same machine, and even more disturbing, is the other battleground states that the media has called for Biden, use the same system, Susan Duclos at All News PipeLine reports.

Also that same system was used in Georgia, where Biden magically took a small lead in, which caused a “delay” on election day, do to an unprecedented “upload” the night before the election, according to Politico:

Ridley said that a representative from the two companies called her after poll workers began having problems with the equipment Tuesday morning and said the problem was due to an upload to the machines by one of their technicians overnight.

“That is something that they don’t ever do. I’ve never seen them update anything the day before the election,” Ridley said. Ridley said she did not know what the upload contained.

That glitch just caused a delay, but machines from the very same company, Dominion Systems, were also responsible for ‘6,000 votes to go to Biden + Democrats that were meant for Trump and Republicans.’

That “glitch,” once address, flipped Antrim County from Biden to Trump.

That system was also used in at least 47 other counties in Michigan.

The great Sidney Powell did a BOMSHELL interview with Maria Bartiromo and shared the following about the firm that runs the application used in Michigan where thousands of Trump votes were switched to Joe Biden.

From The Gateway Pundit:

Maria Bartiromo: I’ve also seen reports that Nancy Pelosi’s longtime Chief of Staff is a key executive of that company. Richard Bloom, Senator Feinstein’s husband is a significant shareholder of this company.

Here is the interview:

Bartiromo is correct.  Bloomberg reported in April, 2019 that:

Dominion Voting Systems — which commands more than a third of the voting-machine market without having Washington lobbyists — has hired its first, a high-powered firm that includes a longtime aide to Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Also Democrat Feinstein’s husband does have a major stake in Dominion:

This is actually insane but it gets worse!

Dominion has ties to the Clinton Foundation!


(Powell mentioned that they may have stolen votes even from Democrats like Bernie Sanders in order to get the outcomes they wanted.)

Look, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what the hell went on.

There are numerous incidences of massive voter fraud with documented videos and at this pint this election is NULL AND VOID!

#StopThe Steal


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