Strange Signs Are Popping Up On College Campuses… Take A CLOSE Look At What It Says!


College Campus GOES NUTS When They See The Signs Hung Up By ANGRY Republicans Say THIS…

Campus Signs Are “Deeply Problematic” Liberals Complain

Liberals on the college campus of Tulane are losing their minds in fits of leftist trigger tremors following the placement of a few harmless signs in their precious safe space.  The signs read simply: “It’s Okay To Be White.” Naturally, this is a sentence that almost everyone can agree on…unless you’ve been trained and coddled your entire life to believe that white people are inherently blessed with white privilege and thus they must treat this privilege as if it is the original sin discovered by Eve in the Garden.  If you’re one of the brainwashed liberal “Yes We Can-ers”, you attempt to balance out your white privilege by making abundant displays of your virtue vis-à-vis dramatic proclamations of your White Guilt.

The posting is part of a national campaign.  In Cleveland, Ohia and in Cambridge, Massachusetts the signs have also been spotted.  Members of the CleveScene have called the act a “troll” movement.  Well, that leads one to assume that the writer, Eric Sandy, doesn’t think that it is okay to be white.  Otherwise, why would this be a troll movement?

On a college campus like Tulane (which desperately wants to be considered the Harvard of the South), White Guilt is a prime commodity on the social market.  To believe that you are anything but guilty of the sins of some ancient ancestor (that might have stepped on the toe of a slave on a plantation he didn’t even own) is a grave act of thoughtcrime.  You must mindlessly bleat to your decaying professors and the thick-rimmed-wearing feminists that you are ashamed of your lack of skin pigment.   Your Halloween costumes must also be within the bounds of political correctness.  You must make spaces for voices of color.  You must check your privilege. You must be an ally. But above all else, you must not be okay with being white. You must feel like you have to spend all your precious time enabling these moronic views promulgated and propagated by these mouth-breathing, slack-jaw liberal troglodytes. 

So, if by chance, in between the constant barrage of “Not All Muslim” chants and “Feminist Period Blood Splattering”  artwork you have the gall–the audacity–to say enough is enough, you have committed the gravest sin of all.  That sin, of course, is also known as embracing reality.

Tulane issued the following statement:

“We believe these signs were posted at Tulane as part of a national campaign” Strecker said. “To state the obvious, it is “okay” to be any race. We have no idea who posted the signs, but that person is obviously not speaking for Tulane University. Tulane is firmly committed to diversity and to supporting every member of our community.”

They support every member of the community? Every member besides white people, it seems.  If it is okay to be any race as the university suggested, why on God’s green Earth did they feel the need to say that the student’s statement isn’t speaking for the university? Further, if Tulane is supporting of every member, why do they feel the need to pull the signs down?

It leads one to a simple conclusion about how Tulane feels:

After all, a student (or likely a group of students) with obvious conservative sympathies on campus felt the need to hang these signs.   It follows that in the midst of diversity course requirements and feminist theory mandates they’ve found themselves feeling a bit cramped within their own skin.  Who can blame them? College campuses are literally a cancer metastasizing across society these days.


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