BREAKING! “Covfefe” Mystery SOLVED! Trump Wins Again!


In the now infamous Tweet heard ’round the world, President Donald Trump tweeted out the following at 12:06 a.m. on May 31, 2017.

Liberals and leftists alike promptly lost their minds.  Meanwhile, Conservatives and Republicans alike were left scratching their heads trying to figure out just what “Covfefe” is. Many thought it may simply be a typo.  Others were convinced that President Trump had simply lost his mind. President Trump proved once again, he is crazy but crazy like a fox.


On Wednesday Press Secretary Sean Spicer took the podium in an off-camera afternoon press briefing as speculation went rampant as to just what “covfefe” could possibly be interpreted as.  The left was already making President Trump the butt of many jokes and memes alike as is typical. Then Spicer dropped a bombshell at the afternoon press briefing stating,

“The President and a small group of people knew exactly what he meant.”

Of course, the left and right alike had already spent untold hours in their attempts to ascertain the meaning of what was believed to be President Trump’s incomplete thought and the made-up nonsense word at the end. Covfefe had been retweet 127,000 times and the President was clearly also having some fun at the expense of the Mainstream Media left chasing their tails trying to figure out what in the world was going on.

Spicer addressed as he undoubtedly, knew he was going to have to do this at the briefing going with his cryptic message. The White House press corp found the whole thing humorous and laughter ensued.  As one might expect, several people tried to ask follow-up questions but no answers were forthcoming from the White House.


“Wait a minute,” one reporter said, “What does covfefe mean?”

Spicer simply let them stew while everyone else was well and truly confused. What could have easily been dismissed as a mistake, or a typo, or an oversight, is now a lingering issue for the White House.

Image result for cavfefe

As actor James Urbaniak pointed out on Twitter –

What does the covfefe Tweet mean?” is now a legitimate question. Moreover, who are the “small group of people” who were in on it? And why did the President communicate this inside message to them through his very-public Twitter account?

By his statement, Spicer conveyed that the “covfefe” mystery was indeed intentional.  So what does it mean? After doing some research and using Google Translate, one will find that “Cov fe’fe” in Arabic means “I will stand up.”

When put into the context of the tweet, it makes total sense especially in light of President Trump and Melania’s recent return from a whirlwind trip which included stops in Saudi Arabia. The leftist mainstream media are left to look like the fools they are. President Trump said what he meant and meant what he said – the tweet in context, translated states –

 “Despite the constant negative press, I will stand up.”

Seems fitting doesn’t it?

Even Hillary tried to get in on the action with her attempts to troll the President. Her attempts fell flat as the meaning of the tweet was revealed.


Sorry-not-sorry liberals!! President Trump is a genius and wins again!

(h/t RedState Watcher)

Source- AFF

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