JUST IN: Listen As Constitutional Scholar, Dershowitz, DESTROYS The Far Left And Exposes Something HUGE That Every American Can’t Ignore- SPREAD THIS

Day after day, week after week, month after month, the “woke” far left has continued it’s push of anger and outrage to transform the United States into it’s own Marxist “utopia.” Lately though it seems as some of those on the left have started to push back slightly because they too don’t want to go off the cliff into the mouth of insanity. One of these individuals who has pushed back is the world infamous Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz .

Mr. Dershowitz has been dragged down by the mobs of woke-istan for standing up for former President Trump and even defending him in the first impeachment hoax these clowns tried to push onto President Trump.


He has seen and heard enough from the looney left and is standing up and speaking out again now! Sunday on New York City WABC 770 AM radio’s “The Cats Roundtable, Dershowitz said that forcing Breyer to retire “will backfire” on them because Breyer does not want to “be perceived as having given in to the pressure.”

The quack job team that calls themselves “The squad” has been publicly lambasting the Justice Breyer for not conforming to the insanity of wokeism when ruling in recent Supreme Court cases. These insane broads are over stepping their roles as law makers and attempting to influence how laws are decided in the highest courts of our great country.

The pressure isn’t just coming from politicians though, there are some in academia who are trying to put pressure from Universities on the Justice Breyer. These people want to take the Supreme Court who is supposed to stand for NOTHING more than the Constitution of the United States, and turn it into a third arm of the ever growing federal government in order to shove their radical, idiotic ideas onto what’s left of America.

Dershowitz went on to say “It will backfire,” he emphasized. “Even if Steve wanted to leave the Supreme Court this term, he’s not going to want to be perceived as having given in to pressure. I know him. He’s not the kind of guy who’s going to say, ‘I’m going to leave office as a result of pressure from some academics who want me to leave in order to serve their own political interests.’ So, A – It’s going to backfire. B – It’s age discrimination. C – It politicizes the Supreme Court. And it tells us what’s wrong with the hard left today. They see everything politically.”

We recently watched the late Justice Ginsburg sit on the court as she was dying just so that she could possibly be replaced by someone as radical as her. Thankfully President Trump was able to bring in now Justice Coney-Barrett who isn’t applying constitutions from other countries like Justice Ginsburg did, into her rulings for the cases being heard in the court.

Some have speculated that given some of the recent rulings that have come from the Supreme court where they have given several 9-0 rulings is a message to sleepy Joe and the hoe, along with the Squad, and the quacks in academia to back off! Time will tell if their message is being head and recognized, or if the Marxists will continue on with their march to insanity.

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