Look At What Dinesh D’Souza Caught On A DNC Teleprompter, This Says It All…


Dinesh D’Souza points out a rather interesting thing about how un-American they really are. These liberals needed a TELEPROMPTER to say the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE! Unbelievable.

Check it out:


It’s NOT hilarious- it’s sickening.

There’s more.

“A symbol of how the Democrats conduct their elections–at least when those Clintons are involved.”


“I have no idea who’s responsible for this but I guess it’s a good way to keep the floor clean.”


“This is emerging from the “all gender” restroom at the Democratic Convention.”


What a bunch of idiots. Scumbags.

Bernie is a sellout.

His supporters got screwed.

Hillary is trash.

Makes me sick.

God Bless.

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