ALERT: Officers Seize Mysterious Black Packages From Truck… Donald Trump Was RIGHT


Donald Trump has been criticized for saying that he is going to build the wall at our southern border. He claims that criminals are pouring into the U.S. smuggling drugs- and what just happened on Friday proves, once again he is 100% correct!

U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents seized over a half-million dollars worth of methamphetamine and cocaine at a Texas port of entry. They found the drugs while inspecting a Volkswagon sedan. The drug smugglers were attempting to enter the U.S. from Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila, Mexico. Drug smuggling in the Mexican state of Coahuila is tightly controlled by the Los Zetas drug cartel.

During an inspection, officers found twenty packages they suspected to be filled with narcotics, Breitbart reports. The packages allegedly contained forty-one pounds of methamphetamine and twelve and one-half pounds of cocaine. The combined street value was estimated to be $575,525.


41 pounds of methamphetamine allegedly found in smuggling attempt. (Photo: U.S. Customs and Border Protection)

The driver and passenger, whose names and nationalities were not revealed by officials, were “processed according to CBP guidelines.

“I commend our frontline CBP officers on this interception of hard narcotics,” Del Rio Port of Entry Port Director Alberto D. Perez said in a written statement. “Keeping illicit drugs from entering our communities is one of our key missions.”

Donald Trump has that same mission- Obama and Clinton don’t. They want wide open borders.

V Saxena at Conservative Tribune points out that whenever someone like Trump mentions the legitimate problem of drugs and crime being trafficked across the border, liberals like them immediately start screaming, “Racism, racism, racism!”

Yet according to numerous reports, the problem appears to be growing worse.

Earlier this month, CBP officials in Laredo seized over a half-million dollars’ worth of marijuana in a tractor-trailer crossing the bridge from Nuevo Laredo into Texas. The trailer was also loaded with pallets infested with wood-boring worms that could have been devastating to the U.S. forestry industry had they passed through unchecked.


The problem is quite real, as is the potential solution — securing the southern border. Trump aspires to do exactly this by building a border wall, but apparently the desire to protect our nation from drug dealers makes him a racist.

Actually, it makes him both reasonable and intelligent — as well as a leader capable of devising workable solutions.

He is the exact opposite of our current “leader,” Barack Hussein Obama, and the woman who aspires to be his successor, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

God Bless.





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