JUST IN: Ambassador From This MUSLIM Country REVEALS Question Trump Asked Him- Obama Is Literally In PANIC MODE


Afghan Ambassador Brings Shame To Obama’s Legacy!

You already know that everything a liberal says about President Trump is a lie.  Whether it’s Jake Tapper (who even has a kid that knows he’s “fake news”) or Senator Gillibrand who is just another crook in a pantsuit, it makes no difference: liberals are now the party of crooks and liars.

But for foreigners this factoid is a tough sell and it really is only able to be ascertained through first-hand experience.  Recently, Benny Johnson, a reporter with the Independent Journal Review, sat down with one such foreigner and was able to record his take on the new administration.  

The foreigner in question was the Afghan Ambassador to Washington, Dr. Hamdullah Mohib, and he was hosting a dinner for a dozen Gold Star wives and other members of the military.

Obama Outed As A Petty Weakling — By A Foreign Muslim That Respects Trump!

What Johnson learned from the ambassador’s thoughts on the newly anointed president might give you hope.  In the least, it will anger liberals and that’s a win in it of itself.

“I’ve personally met with President Trump at Mar-a-Lago and the president has had two phone conversations with President Ghani [The president of Afghanistan]. One call was after he won the election and one after [Trump] became president. Before the calls, we were advised to keep conversations short because, we were told, Trump will not be interested in the details of the call and does not have a long attention span, so it would be pointless to have a long call.

However, we were pleasantly surprised at how much time President Trump spent asking very informed questions. The first time the presidents spoke, the questions Trump asked impressed us. “How can you win in this fight [against terrorism]?” he asked. “What do you need to become financially independent?” and “How can American business invest in Afghanistan? How can we develop businesses and mining in your country?”

Trump would listen intently after each question, often asking follow-ups. Trump’s second call with our president was even longer than the first. Asking these types of questions for our country is something the Obama administration never did. The Obama administration was the most academic administration we have ever had to deal with but the Trump administration has been the most thoughtful and intelligent.

Trump continually asked “How can you win? What does Afghanistan need to win?” in reference to our fight with terrorism. Trump wants to win. Sincerely. All the Obama administration wanted to do was not lose.

“Trump wants to win. Sincerely. All the Obama administration wanted to do was not lose.”

To what extent the Afghan Ambassador was merely stroking the the patriotic bristles of his American counterparts, one cannot say.  But what is certain is that these statements are a clear indication that the man is willing to work with our new leadership and sees our cooperation as a fundamental necessity to their continued growth and resurgent stability.  We know that Obama went on an apology tour at the start of his presidency and then peppered his failed foreign policy campaign with ridiculous statements like “America leads from behind.”  If there’s any undeniable change, if any shifting wind can be most easily recognized, its that America leads–not from the rear–but from the front once again.

Only time will tell more beyond that.


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