ALERT: Bill deBlasio Makes BIG Announcement After Child Porn Scandal BREAKS

Bill deBlasio Joins Forces with ProSharia Linda Sarsour After Staffer Arrested for Child Porn…


It seems Mayor of New York City Bill de Blasio just doesn’t know when to stop. After the recent scandal rocking De Blasio’s office where 29-year-old staffer Jacob Schwartz due to a massive collection of child pornography on his computer, one would think that de Blasio would learn to keep better company and not choose to surround himself with those of questionable character and values.

America’s Freedom Fighters reported that Schwartz worked as a computer programmer making $66k / year was also the president of the Manhattan Young Democrats – as well as VP of the NY State Young Democrats.  At the time of his arrest, his laptop over 3,000 images and 89 videos were discovered depicting sexual acts with children as young as 6 months old.


Schwartz was a friend of Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager Robby Mook.

And now, de Blasio himself is joining forces with Linda Sarsour – Muslim activist, anti-American, pro-Shariah, pro-Female Genital Mutilation, and advocate for Israeli genocide. Obama named Sarsour as one of his “Champions of Change.” Sarsour serves as executive director of the generously city-taxpayer-funded Arab American Association of New York.

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Both de Blasio and the city of New York credit Sarsour with working with City Hall officials to close public schools for the observance of two Islamic holy days in 2015. Funny, but if a Christian or Jewish person tried the same they would be told all about the establishment clause in the Constitution and firmly reminded about the so-called “Separation of Church and State.” Yet it appears in de Blasio’s NYC the same rules do not apply to Muslims.

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Last year in the riotous aftermath of the police killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, Sarsour traveled to protest police.  Brown’s death is described as a “murder” on the Arab American Association of New York’s website. For all the opportunities that Sarsour has been granted here in the United States she seems to show a special level of contempt for American values and the American way of life. When former Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz tweeted, “America is and remains a nation built on Judeo-Christian values.” Sarsour responded with, “Genocide & slavery?”

Sarsour sunk to all new lows when she posted on Twitter a picture of small Palestinian boy standing before Israeli soldiers clutching rocks in both hands with the phrase “The definition of courage.” Her tweet raised the ire of Queens City Councilman Rory Lancman and he responded with, “No, the definition of barbarism.”

Sarsour seems to enjoy her freedom of speech as promised in the US Constitution, however vile the rest of us might find what she has to say.  However, for Sarsour, that rule seems to only apply to the opposition, not to her directly. Sarsour verbally attacked Lancmen via social media tweeting in response – “city elected official attacking a constituent on foreign policy issue when they weren’t asked. Welcome to NYC Council.”

“You must be especially proud of the 13-yr-old Palestinian who stabbed the 13-yr-old Israeli,” Lancman wrote.

She replied: “don’t put words in my mouth. Shame on you. Using my tax payer $$ to attack people online. Go do your job.”

But this tweet by Sarsour turned the fight downright ugly: “The Zionist trolls are out to play. Bring it. You will never silence me.”

Lancman, who is Jewish, put out a statement that read, “Attacking Jews in their homes, schools, supermarkets, cafes, buses, roads, synagogues and seder tables is barbarous, and enlisting children to commit those acts is even more so.”

And yet somehow this is a woman that the left lauds as a hero, refusing to condemn her despicable words.  Instead, she receives taxpayer funds under the guise of inclusion, diversity, and social justice to the tune of about $164,050 since 2012.

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Sarsour has also directly campaigned to assist de Blasio in gaining his mayoral seat. In return, de Blasio funds this woman and her hate to be spewed forth.  Sarsour is also co-founder of the Muslim Democratic Club of New York.  As a result of de Blasio’s support and others like him, Sarsour is now considering a bid for a vacant seat on the Brooklyn City Council.

As the New York Post so clearly states –

Linda Sarsour is free to express anything she wants, but so am I. And I don’t think that someone who recklessly spews hate should be rewarded with accolades and public funds.

The money spigot to her organization should be shut off. She should be shunned.

Source- AFF

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