Now that Donna Brazile is no longer leading the Democrat National Committee, she’s singing like a bird.

In a new tell-all book about the 2016 election, Brazil exposes the rampant corruption within the DNC, the fact that Hillary Clinton rigged the primaries in her favor, and how she too feared for her life after DNC staffer Seth Rich was mysteriously murdered in a “botched robbery” that didn’t result in anything of his actually being stolen after he was shot in the back…three times.

Shockingly, the Washington Compost, which has been the protesters of the elite in Washington for years, has now published excerpts from Brazile’s book, titled “Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House,” and the revelations within it are as damning to both Hillary Clinton and the Democrats as could be.

In the book, Brazile explains that in the aftermath of Wikileaks publishing emails from the DNC, she became increasingly paranoid about Russian efforts to influence the election. However, the fact that top Democrats urged her to keep quiet about her concerns raised red flags with the former interim chair of the DNC.

Apparently, Brazile feared possible retribution from shady elements from within her own party if she didn’t keep her mouth shut. But her fears increased dramatically after Rich, who many believe was the source of the data breech at the DNC and then passed the information to Wikileaks, was brutally murdered outside of his Washington, D.C. apartment.

Brazile describes her mounting anxiety about Russia’s theft of emails and other data from DNC servers, the slow process of discovering the full extent of the cyberattacks and the personal fallout. She likens the feeling to having rats in your basement: “You take measures to get rid of them, but knowing they are there, or have been there, means you never feel truly at peace.”

Brazile writes that she was haunted by the still-unsolved murder of DNC data staffer Seth Rich and feared for her own life, shutting the blinds to her office window so snipers could not see her and installing surveillance cameras at her home. She wonders whether Russians had placed a listening device in plants in the DNC executive suite.

At first, Brazile writes of the hacking, top Democratic officials were “encouraging us not to talk about it.” But she says a wake-up moment came when she visited the White House in August 2016, for President Obama’s 55th birthday party. National security adviser Susan E. Rice and former attorney general Eric H. Holder Jr. separately pulled her aside to urge her to take the Russian hacking seriously, which she did, she writes.

Brazile never fully elaborated on why she would have feared for her own life; however, the fact she thought it important to even mention it speaks volumes about the people she was involved with.

It’s still never been proven that Rich leaked the emails to Wikileaks, but if he did, it would completely implode the narrative that the Russians tried to influence the election. But keep in mind the fact that anybody who’s ever tried looking further into Rich’s death has been met with threats and legal action means there’s someone who doesn’t want the truth getting out.

Perhaps Brazile’s fears aren’t unwarranted.

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