Fed Up Restaurant Owner Puts Up EPIC Sign That INFURIATES Muslims Everywhere


A Minnesota restaurant owner has had enough of Obama’s Muslims terrorizing Americans and in response to the recent Islamic terrorist attacks in Minnesota, New York, and New Jersey and he decided to take a stand. He posted a sign in front of his business that says- “MUSLIMS GET OUT.”

A second line was added that reads “In Support Of St. Cloud.”

“It’s time that people started standing up, not worrying about the PC crowd and do what is right,” Owner of Treats Family Restaurant, Dan Ruedinger told WCCO. “And I feel what we’re doing is right. We are not targeting the Muslims in general, just the extremists. And that’s all I can say. It’s my right and I’m going to stand up, and I wish more people would do it.”

“I’ve had enough and I’m standing up. With all the bombs and shootings we’ve had, we’re supposed to welcome refugees here who want to kill us? This has nothing to do with race, it has to do with a religion of hatred that preaches violence,” Ruedinger told Southern Minn.

He added that “Some Muslims are good people and want a better life. They need to step up, take control and hold the others accountable.”


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Ruedinger says the sign has led to some backlash, but he says business is up so much that he had to call in three extra workers Monday.


Americans all over the country are fed up with this Islamist garbage being shoved in our faces by liberals.

How many more people have to die or get wounded before these morons realize that bringing in these people into our country is endangering American’s lives?

Not to mention it costs a hell of a lot of tax-payer money to take care of these people.

America’s Freedom Fighters reported that Obama’s Department of Homeland Security had direct orders from the White House NOT to deport as many illegals as possible, but you’d think that once they were slated for deportation that they wouldn’t be granted citizenship after, especially if they posed a security risk. Well, you would think that anyway, but you’d be wrong…dead wrong.

According to Yahoo! News, that’s exactly what happened to 858 illegals from “special interest countries” and posed a security threat to our country. Apparently even after being ordered to leave the country they were still able to obtain legal status, and we have the incompetence of our “leaders” to blame for it.

Our vetting system is horrible. These people use fake names and have no documentation. Terrorists are flooding into our country thanks to Obama and this has got to end NOW!



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