JUST IN: STUNNING New Photos Show Media Told MASSIVE Lie About Boston


On Saturday, thousands of agitated leftists took to the streets in Boston to protest a free speech event by conservatives, and the media lied to the nation about the entire ordeal.

After Charlottesville, the media has labeled any gathering of conservatives as a “white supremacist” event, despite the fact there’s no evidence of white supremacy occurring at events.

However, the lack of evidence doesn’t stop them from peddling the lie that anyone right of center is a racist bigot, which is exactly what they did in Boston to justify the fact they literally shut down a free speech event.

JUST IN: STUNNING New Photos Show Media Told MASSIVE Lie About Boston

JUST IN: STUNNING New Photos Show Media Told MASSIVE Lie About Boston

Who looks like the bad people?

That fat black lady looks like she wants to kill all white people.

Further, several videos of the event show that it wasn’t conservatives who became violent, but instead the petulant liberals who seem to think they own the nation and the right to be the arbiters of morality.

Check them out:


The violent outbursts from Boston liberals was so bad that President Trump even tweeted about them.

JUST IN: STUNNING New Photos Show Media Told MASSIVE Lie About Boston

So while the media and liberals alike continue to claim it’s conservatives are violent, just remember that the truth is exactly the opposite, and there’s more than enough evidence to prove so.

If you enjoyed this story, be sure to follow Sean Brown on Facebook, and check out his website, politicalcult.com.


God Bless. Source- AFF

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